Poetry has long been a powerful medium to commemorate heroes and chronicle their exploits. In the rich tapestry of Marathi literature, Shivaji Maharaj Poetry in Marathi occupies a revered place, with countless verses dedicated to his bravery and leadership. These poems not only capture the essence of his character but also serve as a testament to his enduring legacy.
Here, we delve into the realm of Shivaji Maharaj poetry in Marathi, celebrating the spirit of this legendary warrior-king through the lyrical expressions of poets across generations:
Poetry on Shivaji Maharaj In Marathi
शिवजयंती आली, आणि हे स्मरण आले, मराठ्यांचा गर्व, जगायला जोर आले।
राजाच्या शूरवीर्याची, गाथा लिहायची नको, अश्या वीरांचे विसरू नको, त्यांच्या भव्य कर्तृत्वाची गरज आहे लोकांनो!
जन्मला त्याला छत्रपती, स्वभिमानाची मार्गदर्शक, शूराच्या मार्गावर अडकलेले, अज्ञातांना आक्षेप देणारे!
त्यांच्या तैन्यांचे गुण, कितीही वाचले ते तोडूनही नको, सगळ्यांच्या मनात त्याची आणखी एक प्रजेच स्थान आहे!
शिवबारा त्याच्या नावाचं खंडे, जीवाचं जागे, धर्माचं वाटे।
सरकार करायला येतो, आपल्या भक्तांच्या मनात येतो, सगळ्यांचं मन शिवबाराला होतं!
छत्रपतीची ताकद, आकाशात उंच करणारे, मराठ्यांच्या वीरांचं संघटना आहे!
राजाच्या बलाचा माहेरघर, मराठ्यांच्या हृदयात साखर!
आपलं आपलं म्हणून घातलं तर शिवजयंती झालं, मराठ्यांचं गौरव भरारी झालं!
शिवजयंतीला त्याचं स्मरण विसरूनही नको, त्याच्या वीर शूरांच्या कार्यांचा स्मरण राहूनही नको!
त्याच्या विजयाची ध्वज स्थापना, जगातलं आदर्श, मराठ्यांचं अभिमान!
जन्मानंतर असणारा तोडलं, छत्रपतीने मराठ्यांचं उदंडाचं बळ तोडलं!
त्याचं वीरगळांचं पाहुनियांचं संघटना, मराठ्यांचं आदर्श, शिवबाराचं आदर्श!
त्याच्या योग्यात सोडलं वीरांनी, मराठ्यांचं गर्व लागलं, त्याच्यात!
शिवबारा त्याच्या विजयाचं गीत, मराठ्यांचं गौरव, सारे स्मरणीय!
Shivaji Maharaj Poetry in Marathi
त्याच्या साहसाचं स्मरण करतांना, मराठ्यांचं उत्साह, अग्निशिखा घडवतं!
त्याच्या धर्माचं पालन केलं तो, मराठ्यांचं सन्मान, जगाचं आदर्श!
त्याचं व्यवस्थापन केलं राजाचं, मराठ्यांचं भव्य इतिहास, जगाचं अद्वितीय!
शिवबारा त्याचं नाम, मराठ्यांचं श्रद्धा, अमृत राहून जाऊनी!
छत्रपतीचं धर्म, मराठ्यांचं गौरव, त्याच्यात मराठ्यांचं निहित, तो आजचं अस्तित्व!
शिवजयंतीनिमित्त, मराठ्यांचं गौरव अवघड!
त्याच्यात मराठ्यांचं अस्तित्व, सगळ्यांना शिवबाराचं स्मरण!
त्याच्याच नावाचं विजय शून्य केलं, मराठ्यांचं गौरव, व्यर्थ झालं!
शिवबारा जगणं जगायचं, मराठ्यांचं गौरव, त्याच्या धर्माचं!
त्याच्या दृढ निश्चयाचं स्मरण, मराठ्यांचं शक्तीमान होणं!
शिवबारा स्मरण केलं तो, मराठ्यांचं साहस, अपुरे वाटलं!
त्याच्या वीरत्वाचं प्रतिष्ठान, मराठ्यांचं गौरव, जगात!
शिवबारा त्याच्या नावाचं प्रचार, मराठ्यांचं गौरव, सर्वत्र!
त्याच्या संघटनेचं दिव्य ध्वज, मराठ्यांचं अभिमान, अखंड!
शिवबारा स्मरण केलं, मराठ्यांचं अध्यात्म, सुधारून!
Shivaji Maharaj Quotes in Sanskrit
सत्यमेव जयते। (Truth alone triumphs.)
वीरोऽस्मि राजा शिवजि। (I am a warrior, King Shivaji.)
योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्। (Skill in action is yoga.)
न द्वेष्ट्यकुशलं कर्म कुशलेनानुषज्जते। (One should not abandon one’s duties even if one is not skilled in them.)
न कामयेऽज्ञो देव त्वं कर्मण्येव तु संग्रहः। (O God, let me not desire the fruits of actions, but let me perform them with dedication.)
व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धिः एकेह कुरुनन्दन। (Develop the resolute determination to succeed in your endeavors, O Arjuna.)
अहं ब्रह्मास्मि। (I am Brahman.)
यथा राजा तथा प्रजा। (As is the king, so are the subjects.)
अत्राजिनाहि विजिगीषतां अहंकारेण जेतुम्। (O Arjuna, conquer the enemy of egoism with the sword of self-knowledge.)
सर्वधर्मान् परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज। (Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me alone.)
संसारे जगतामाद्यं ब्रह्म सम्पद्यते प्रिये। (In this world, Brahman is the ultimate reality.)
निश्चयेन निष्ठां कुर्वन्ति पण्डिताः। (The wise perform their duties with unwavering devotion.)
धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः। (Dharma protects those who protect it.)
सत्यं वद। (Speak the truth.)
सर्वेभ्यो नमः शिवाय। (Salutations to Lord Shiva.)
अन्यथा शत्रुं करोति। (Otherwise, it creates enemies.)
यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः। (Where there is Dharma, there is victory.)
Best Quotes in Sanskrit
धर्मे च अर्थे च कामे च मोक्षे च भरतर्षभ। (O best of the Bharatas, Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha are the four aims of human life.)
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। (You have the right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions.)
आत्मनि रक्षिते रक्षितः। (Protect yourself and you will be protected.)
उद्धरेत् आत्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत्। (Let one lift oneself by oneself, let one not lower oneself.)
धर्मो हि तेषाम् अधिको धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः। (Their Dharma is supreme; Dharma protects those who protect it.)
अर्धजिव्हं वृक्षोत्तमम्। (A tree is best that has half its trunk.)
जानन् याति संविदांश्चिन्ता। (Knowing goes with the understanding.)
न समुद्रार्जितं तत्र गुणदोषाः समासतः। (The sea does not accumulate faults.)
उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत। (Arise, awake, and learn by approaching the exalted ones.)
Favourites Quotes for Shiva
यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः। (Wherever there is Lord Krishna, the master of yoga, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer.)
धर्माद्वै दृष्टं कृष्णात्परं परं धर्मं यथा वद। (Dharma as seen in the form of Krishna is the highest Dharma, as declared by him.)
यथा धर्मस्तथा जयः। (As is Dharma, so is victory.)
शिवमेव जयते। (Victory to Lord Shiva.)
यथा प्रजा तथा राजा। (As are the subjects, so is the king.)
अत्र संति न प्रिये यन्त्राणि संरक्षणाय। (Here there are no dear instruments for protection.)
न द्वेष्ट्यकुशलं कर्म। (Not every action is unpleasant.)
यद्ध्यापयति धर्मार्थान् यो नः सर्वप्रकारकः। (What is being taught to us by Dharma and Artha is beneficial to all.)
धर्मेण सह योगश्च कामेन सह वा रुजा। (Dharma with Yoga or with desire, or with pain.)
धर्मो धारयते प्रजा। (Dharma sustains the people.)
अहं धर्मो विजयः। (I am Dharma, I am victory.)
नित्यं धर्मो धर्मेण नित्यं जयति जयेन च। (Eternal Dharma always conquers with victory.)
यथा धर्मस्तथा जयः। (As is Dharma, so is victory.)
योऽवाप्नोति धर्मार्थान् स धर्मार्थमवाप्नुयात्। (One who attains Dharma and Artha attains Dharma and Artha.)
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Poem on Shivaji Maharaj in Hindi
In the heart of Maharashtra, a warrior was born, Shivaji Maharaj, with bravery adorned. With a sword in his hand and fire in his soul, He fought for his people, making history whole.
From the forts of Raigad to the shores of Konkan, Shivaji Maharaj’s name echoed, a fearless icon. His deeds of valor, sung by bards with pride, Inspiring generations, far and wide.
With the courage of a lion and the wisdom of a sage, Shivaji Maharaj led his people, fearless at every stage. Injustice and oppression, he bravely did defy, With each battle won, his legend soared high.
On the battlefield, he stood tall and strong, Leading his soldiers, righting every wrong. With humility and grace, he ruled his land, A true embodiment of courage, grand.
His legacy lives on, in tales and in rhyme, Shivaji Maharaj, an immortal paradigm. Through poems and songs, we honor his name, Forever grateful for his enduring flame.
With a heart full of valor, he faced every test, Shivaji Maharaj, the bravest and the best. In the face of adversity, he never backed down, His courage and resilience, the talk of every town.
From the mountains to the sea, his fame did spread, Shivaji Maharaj, the lionheart, revered and dread. With his sword of justice, he defended the weak, A true hero, whose praises we still speak.
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In the annals of history, his legend stands tall, Shivaji Maharaj, the greatest of them all. With each passing year, his memory we cherish, His bravery and valor, shall never perish.
On the battlefield, he was a force to behold, Shivaji Maharaj, fearless and bold. With each victory won, he earned his fame, Forever honored, in the annals of his name.
From the forts of Maharashtra to the fields of strife, Shivaji Maharaj led a noble life. With his courage and wisdom, he forged his fate, An eternal symbol of valor, strong and great.
In the heart of every Marathi, his legacy lives on, Shivaji Maharaj, our beloved icon. With his indomitable spirit, he fought for our land, A true hero, courageous and grand.
Through the valleys and hills, his army did march, Shivaji Maharaj, lighting up every dark. With his vision and leadership, he paved the way, For a glorious future, that we celebrate today.
In the pages of history, his story unfolds, Shivaji Maharaj, fearless and bold. With each battle fought, he defended his realm, A true warrior king, at the helm.
From the banks of the Tungabhadra to the shores of the sea, Shivaji Maharaj’s name reigns free. With his bravery and valor, he carved his fate, An immortal hero, we celebrate.
Best Poems in Hindi
- In the hearts of his people, his memory stays, Shivaji Maharaj, lighting up our days. With his courage and strength, he fought till the end, A true inspiration, to every friend.
- From the forts of Maharashtra to the plains of Deccan, Shivaji Maharaj, a beacon of hope and plan. With his sword of justice, he defended the weak, A true leader, whose praises we speak.
- In the face of tyranny, he stood tall and proud, Shivaji Maharaj, shouting his battle cry loud. With his army of valor, he conquered every foe, A true champion, whom we honor and know.
- From the ghats of Sahyadri to the fields of strife, Shivaji Maharaj, the symbol of life. With his courage and wisdom, he fought for his land, A true patriot, whose legacy will forever stand.
- Through the ages, his legend shall endure, Shivaji Maharaj, brave and pure. With his valor and strength, he defended the right, A true warrior, shining bright.
- In the hearts of his people, his spirit lives on, Shivaji Maharaj, forever strong. With his courage and wisdom, he led the fight, A true hero, shining bright.
- In the land of Maharashtra, his legacy reigns, Shivaji Maharaj, breaking all chains. With his sword of justice, he fought for the poor, A true leader, forevermore.
- From the mountains to the sea, his name resounds, Shivaji Maharaj, in victory crowned. With his courage and valor, he defended the land, A true hero, brave and grand.
Most Readable Poems in English
Through the centuries, his memory remains, Shivaji Maharaj, breaking all chains. With his wisdom and strength, he led the way, A true leader, come what may.
In the hearts of his people, his spirit shines, Shivaji Maharaj, in battle lines. With his valor and courage, he fought for the right, A true warrior, day and night.
From the forts of Maharashtra to the fields of war, Shivaji Maharaj, forevermore. With his bravery and valor, he led the fight, A true hero, shining bright.
Through the pages of history, his story we tell, Shivaji Maharaj, standing tall and well. With his courage and strength, he led the way, A true leader, come what may.
In the hearts of his people, his memory lives, Shivaji Maharaj, who always gives. With his bravery and wisdom, he fought for the land, A true hero, brave and grand.
From the hills of Maharashtra to the valleys below, Shivaji Maharaj, who always shows. With his courage and valor, he led the fight, A true warrior, shining bright.
In the hearts of his people, his legacy lives on, Shivaji Maharaj, forever strong. With his bravery and wisdom, he fought for the land, A true hero, brave and grand.
Through the ages, his memory will last, Shivaji Maharaj, who always cast. With his courage and valor, he led the way, A true leader, come what may.
Shivaji Maharaj Lines in Marathi
शिवजी महाराजांच्या वीरत्वाचा प्रशंसाने आपले हृदय भरले आहे। (Our hearts are filled with admiration for Shivaji Maharaj’s bravery.)
शिवजी महाराजांच्या धर्माचं पालन केलं, त्यांनी मराठ्यांचं हृदय पार केलं। (Shivaji Maharaj upheld righteousness and won the hearts of the Marathas.)
छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज अत्यंत विद्यावान आणि धर्मपरायण होते। (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was highly educated and deeply devoted to Dharma.)
शिवरायांच्या शूरवीर्याने असंख्य विजय मिळवल्या आहेत। (Shivaji Maharaj achieved numerous victories through his bravery.)
शिवजयंतीनिमित्त मराठ्यांना आत्मविश्वास मिळतो। (Shivaji Jayanti instills self-confidence among the Marathas.)
शिवजयंतीला मराठ्यांनी अत्यंत आदराने साजरा केला। (The Marathas celebrate Shivaji Jayanti with great reverence.)
शिवरायांच्या योग्य नेतृत्वाने मराठ्यांची आत्मशक्ति जागृत केली। (Under Shivaji Maharaj’s capable leadership, the Marathas awakened their self-power.)
शिवजयंतीला मराठ्यांचं अद्वितीय समर्पण दिसतं। (Shivaji Jayanti reflects the unparalleled devotion of the Marathas.)
शिवरायांनी अपराधांचे विरोध केले आणि न्याय दिले। (Shivaji Maharaj opposed injustices and dispensed justice.)
शिवजयंतीला मराठ्यांनी संस्कृतीचं संरक्षण केलं। (The Marathas preserved their culture through Shivaji Jayanti.)
Best Lines in Marathi
शिवरायांच्या विजयांनी भारताच्या इतिहासात अद्वितीय पार्थ्य केले। (Shivaji Maharaj’s victories have carved an unparalleled path in Indian history.)
शिवजयंतीला मराठ्यांनी मराठी संस्कृतीचं संचालन केलं। (The Marathas promoted Marathi culture through Shivaji Jayanti.)
शिवरायांचं वीर धर्म आणि धीरता मराठ्यांना प्रेरित करतं। (Shivaji Maharaj’s valor, righteousness, and courage inspire the Marathas.)
शिवजयंतीला मराठ्यांनी शिवरायांचं वीरधर्म आणि संघटना केलं। (The Marathas uphold Shivaji Maharaj’s warrior code and organization through Shivaji Jayanti.)
शिवरायांच्या नामाचं अभिमान मराठ्यांना निरंतर असतं। (The pride of Shivaji Maharaj’s name is constant among the Marathas.)
शिवजयंतीनिमित्त मराठ्यांना अत्यंत आनंद होतो। (Shivaji Jayanti brings immense joy to the Marathas.)
शिवरायांचं विजयपथ आणि व्यवस्थापन मराठ्यांना प्रेरित करतं। (Shivaji Maharaj’s path to victory and administration inspire the Marathas.)
शिवजयंतीला मराठ्यांनी संघटनाचं महत्व मानलं। (The Marathas recognize the importance of organization through Shivaji Jayanti.)
शिवरायांच्या विजयांनी भारतीय राज्यांचं अपेक्षांपेक्षा अधिक नव्याने अवलंबून स्थानांतर केलं। (Shivaji Maharaj’s victories have strategically positioned Indian states more than expected.)
शिवजयंतीला मराठ्यांनी संघटनाचं महत्व समजलं आणि सार्थक उपाय ठरवलं। (The Marathas understood the importance of organization through Shivaji Jayanti and devised meaningful solutions.)
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